Who Has These Mail Boxes? One is ours and the other is a relative on my stepfather's side. (His sister.) Look at Danny's arm, 42.
2 x 3 x 7 = 42. Room 237 in the Shining. Whose birthday is the 237th day in a leap year? Mine. (August 24th, 237th day in the leap year 1976.)
Whose name = 237 in simple gematria when you change the letters to numbers, mine. (Shane Russell Hurren)
Danny, talking to himself in the mirror. 42 on his arm.
Remember him writing REDRUM or MURDER backward?
Da Vinci was known for mirror writing. Left-handed people seem to be better at this.
Da Vinci was left-handed.
Da Vinci was known for mirror writing. Left-handed people seem to be better at this.
Da Vinci was left-handed.
I am left-handed.
See left-handed connections.
See left-handed connections.
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