Monday, August 12, 2024

John Amery Hung at 33 (Like Judas and Jesus Christ)

 See here. (It looks like someone else was a serial entrepreneur who liked escorts.  The son of Leo Amery the Freemason.) Why don't you combine your love of escorts with your love of serial entrepreneurship and open an escort business? 

One wonders... who else will be hung one day?

Judas and Jesus were both hung on a tree,
Jesus was 33 when he died.  Did you know that?
Jesus died at what age, Masonic 33 just like John Amery who probably never even died.

See here and here for a previous post about this sick lying twisted psychopath. 

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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

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