Wednesday, August 14, 2024

More Proof I Was Set Up to Be a Hitler (Watch Video and Make Sure to Read All Including Under the Video) Mark Amery David!

See here for the Mahdi of Islam, a movie for this came out the year I was born. Notice right before my Mom's birthday, July 31 and over my birthday of August 24th.  London and New York because York Constantine and New York or New Rome. "The Man That Fell to Earth" is another interesting movie from 1976, (they just remade this in 2022.) Another one is the Omen. Also Zecharia Sitchin's book the 12th Planet came out in 1976. Sitchin's book actually connects to the Da Vinci Last Supper painting and Stanley Kubrick's 2001 a Space Odyssey

Another  movie came out in 1976 about King David that is interestingly 3 hours and 20 minutes long like the 32 sun rays of the Jesuit symbol.  (I linked to an older version because once again someone came onto Wikipedia and edited it once I put  up the link.) They also made a movie about David in 1951 (year my Mom was born and the Gospel of John 153/3=51.) Interestingly, Apple computer sold their first computer in 1976 for $666.66. 

Posted by Mark Amery on his Instagram 

Constantine served until 337 A.D. or 3 x 37 = 111 (Space Needle)
37 x 24 = 888 (See herehere, and here)
Revelation 3:7-13 Church of Philadelphia -Key of David
(Philadelphia 76'ers, year I was born)
Key of David

See Maitreya in Buddhism and Kalki in Hinduism and in Sikh texts. See here for how Maitraya connects to a Roman emperor. The idea originates in Persia or modern Iran. See Godspeed you Black Emperor about a Japanese motorcycle gang from 1976. It is connected to Maitreya and the black sun eclipse 153 fish Vesica Piscis of John 21. But also, Nimrod the first black leader, son of Cush, (the tower of Babel,) who also connects to Nebuchadnezzar and the Flavians.  The is similar to the Hell's Angels and Apollyon, the angel of Revelation 9:11.  It is interesting that Hunter S. Thompson, who rose to prominence with the publication of Hell's Angels committed suicide with a piece of paper in his typewriter with the date "Feb. 22 '05" and a single word, "counselor." This means  2nd month +2+2+5=11. Counselor = 9 letters. 9/11. See here for more about the Jewish messiah as Nebuchadnezzar or Hitler or the Flavians. 

This book about Hitler also came out in 1976,  same with this book about trying to recreate a Hitler. Another interesting book is Shane, which takes place in 1889, the year Hitler was born.  Fredrich Nietzsche, the writer of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and the Anti-Christ went crazy the year Hitler was born.  The other famous German philosopher and Nazi Martin Heidegger was born the same year as Hitler and died the year I was born. (1976)

Just to clarify something here, I am not a racist psychopath, nor am I a Monster. (See here for Narcissists.  Just showing people the truth and how terrible some people really are in this world. A bunch of sick demented psychopaths that experiment on people, slander them and THEY are the victims?  What does that sound like? As I've mentioned in this previous post, on my mothers side of the family, her mother's father, (my mothers maternal Grandfather,) was half black and their connections go back to a Slave Plantation in Missouri. See here how January 11th is an important day in Missouri for slavery.  

Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan Know Who I Am- They Act Like They Don't
(They are Not the Only Ones) Covering up Human Experimentation

Also See Hitler the Monster that Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson
 know about but they act like they don't know.

Gaza Death Toll Could Potentially Reach 186,000

Finance Minister of Israel Bezalel Smotrich-
 It may be ‘justified’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but world won’t let us

Hitler was right about almost everything. - Stanley Kubrick - 2001 

See here for more about the ADL. 

Human Trafficking Awareness Day Began in 2007.  This is 1:11 or January 11.  I was 30 in 2007, (Christ begin ministry,) I was put in these towers.  (See also here.) Addresses for towers were 1200 and 1288, together they were 1488.  1+4+8+8=21.  The 21 significance: John 21: 153 fish and Vesica Piscis = eclipse.  The Jews try to kill Jesus 21 times in the Gospels and they deny Christ.  John 21 represents the "signs in the sky," or the "sign of Jonah."  Ezekiel 1:1 July 31, (my Mom's birthday,) and 153 day left in year.

1-11--111-666  ADL Hate Signs 1-11 AND 1488 and 1488.  These towers have a quote from Leonardo Da Vinci. Also, remember the Space Needle 111 days into the year is Hitler birthday (April 20th is the 111th day in a leap year like 1976. ) Also the Jews denial of Christ in John 1:11 which connects to them trying to kill Jesus 21 times and John 21 which is the signs of Jonah. (This doesn't mean for those who follow him, but generally speaking, for Judaism.) In the Gospel of John "the Jews" is written over 60 times in an adversarial way to separate himself from Judaism and establish Christianity.

(I am just showing these, I did not set myself up.) 

My birthday August 24 and 9/11 is 18 days after. 6+6+6 or 3+6+9 (ADL and Hate signs 18.) See 23 =1+9+7+6=23/ 16 Leviticus Scapegoat, also here.) I was also on the 13th floor of a building with 23 levels =36. Also the square above Christ head in Last Supper painting. Even my Social Insurance Number adds up to 36 SIN Number.  See this Beast clock that was setup in my town when I was 13.  My birth certificate number adds up to 46, which is the Gospel of John, 46 years and the temple. Also, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 =2 x 23 = 46.

Remember this Jew doing this over my Mom's birthday? They know who I am because they set me up, I am Constantine and they are demented psychopaths. (That is what Hitler represented, a Roman Emperor like Flavians who destroyed the Jewish temple.) He is their Messiah

8=H -- 8=H 
(Trump and Eclipse)
Hail Hitler
Hail Hurren
Sun and Moon
see here and here for ADL Hate

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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

the  left-handed David the  left handed Adam and the  framed real brother of Joseph- the left-handed Benjamin . (Framed as a thief with a gr...