Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Jewish Messiah From Flavius Josephus Jewish War - The Truth That No One Will Say and Few Know

 Why is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet (Taw) an arch like the Roman Emperors? (Also Constantine.) Because the Roman Emperor is their Messiah, in Paleo Hebrew the Taw is a Cross like Space X and X. Or X Box. Right Elon and Bill? Also the cross of Andrew

Neo is like Christ and Trinity is like Mary Magdalene
Adam and Eve
Morpheus is John the Baptist
(Isn't it interesting that Keanu Reeves also plays Constantine and Buddha in other movies?
In Little Buddha he is found in Seattle. See here how I connect him
 to Maitreya and the Roman Emperor

Whenever the impure spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out,
“You are the Son of God.” 
- Mark 3:11
This quote is the same as III-11
Or  (111 days into the year, Space Needle = 11 letters
 April 21 = 111 days into the year and 254 days left-2+5+4=11
or September 11 = 254 days 
into the year (2+5+4=11) + 111 days left

Also this book, Jesus' Son with 11 stories and 3 (111) of them in Seattle (Space Needle)
First published in 1992 or 1+9+9+2=21

9/11 and 21 connection to the Space Needle:

 The top - antenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21

Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9

Total = 9/11 and 21. 

See here for more about Josephus and the Jewish War. According to Josephus, Vespasian the Roman Emperor was the Jewish Messiah. This is similar to Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament.  Ignaz Maybaum a Jewish Rabbi made the same comments about Hitler. Maybaum died in 1976. Maybaum argued that God had used the instrument of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime to cleanse, purify, and punish a sinful world. Maybaum sees Hitler as God's servant' just as Jeremiah saw Nebuchadnezzar. (Also see here about Nebuchadnezzar's restoration and worshipping of God. See here for Hitler as Messiah aiding unwilling Jews, also see here for 51 Documents: Nazi's collaboration with Zionists.) 

The 8th King that goes into perdition in the book of Revelation is right before Vespasian. Vespasian served for 9 years and 11 months. He was the 9th Roman Emperor, his son Titus was the 10th and Domitian was the 11th.  

The head in Daniel is Nebuchadnezzar who destroys the first temple and at the feet are the Flavians who destroyed the second temple, the rock hitting the feet is being associated with Peter (Simon Peter, Peter means stone,) and how he wanted Christ to wash his head, hands and feet at the foot washing in the Gospel of John.  (He is restored in John 21 with the 153 fish and the Vesica Piscis. He is called son of Jonah a trinity of times. (Sign of Jonah, Jonah and the whale from the Old Testament. ) Notice the Vesica Piscis is the judgment fish sign that rolls into the book of Revelation. Simon Peer is crucified at the end of the Gospel of John and it rolls over to the Roman centurion and his son who destroy the Jewish temple.

This is connected to the faith of the Centurion that makes Jesus marvel, in the Synoptics, he wanted to save his servant, and in the Gospel of John he wanted to save his son. The father and the son of the Flavians. Made in the image of God. Just like the name Barabbas means. This also connects to Leviticus 16 and the Scapegoat. God's Servant like Nebuchadnezzar, (he is literally called that in the Old Testament,) driven into the wilderness like Jesus, David, and the Israelites, restored like Simon Peter or Job the Gentile King. 

Hitler is like Napoleon, or a Charlemagne or a Constantine. See this picture of Napoleon, in his left hand, Napoleon holds the rod of justice, and at his side, he carries a sword whose design was inspired by Charlemagne’s legendary blade, “Joyeuse”. Napoleon's mother's birthday was the same day as mine,  August 24th. Saint Constantine connects himself to the Flavians in his name for this very reason, that is the Catholic and the Orthodox Church. The body is the temple, right from the beginning of the Bible. Many Christians themselves don't even know this, and as far as I'm concerned, this is Christianity.  

The Jews in their Tanakh group the Book of Psalms, Proverbs and Job together in a "Trinity." Collectively, these three books are known as Sifrei Emet (an acronym of the titles in Hebrew, איוב, משלי, תהלים yields Emet אמ"ת, which is also the Hebrew for "truth"). The layout of their whole Tanakh points to the destruction of the first and second temples. This might sound crazy but it is true, 24 books. This is finalized in the Gospel of John,  (the Gospel of Signs,) and Revelation.   

The "Good News" of the Gospels is a Roman Victory.  The word in Greek, “Evangelion” has military overtones. Good News means military victory. The Roman Pontius Pilate who doesn't want to kill him, and puts up the sign in the Gospel of John and defies the Pharisees that want him to take it down or he will be an enemy of the "current" Caesar before the civil war.  The spear of destiny from the Roman who pierces the side of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Also, all the interesting ideas that Pontius Pilate's name is associated with, a spear, a Phrygian cap of freedom,  marines or knights, the lower equestrian class of the Flavians. 

John 1:11- He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

Matthew 27:25 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You bear the responsibility.” All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children

This isn't all, I could could put up more. This is not to deny the Jews are a part of it, but, it is about integrating Jews with Gentiles... this is Christianity. The body is the temple.  The Jews denial of Christ, or more accurately, those who follow the Pharisees and the Sadducees leadership and their doctrine are judged in the book of Revelation. Judea and the second temple were destroyed and this is what Constantine connects himself to, this is when Rome became Christian. People need to know the truth, that doesn't mean that someone needs to be Hitler, but they must understand what he represents. It is more about the importance of Constantine and his connection to the Flavians that destroyed the Jewish temple. That being said, it is not a coincidence that Goebbels had a book called Michael. Why does the Catholic church have Saint Michael as a Roman soldier? (Go down to Christianity) Think about it. Also see here. Notice he is listed 5 times in the Bible like a star. (Just like Simon Peter that associates himself with a 5 part star at the foot washing in the Gospel of John, also think about the stone that hits the feet in the book of Daniel, Peter means stone.) He is the only one that is actually called an archangel in the Bible. St. Constantine baptized on his deathbed like the Penitent thief and Nebuchadnezzar after he was driven into the wilderness. Just like Barabbas. 

At Constantinople, Saint Michael the Archangel was considered the great heavenly protector and is said to have intervened in assorted battles throughout the history of the Christianized Roman Empire. - his principal sanctuary, the "Michaelion", was about fifty miles south of Constantinople. This was established by Emperor Constantine. (Lion, like the Leo baby with the Virgo mother in Da Vinci's Last Supper painting, see picture below.) 

There were nine Roman emperors with the name Michael who all had as their patron the Archangel Michael, beginning with Emperor Michael I Rangabe (811 - 813). Michael was the second most popular name to have ever been held by the imperial throne, with Constantine being the most popular (there were eleven emperors with the name Constantine).

In the 4th Gospel of Signs. Christ separates his doctrine at the beginning of the gospel from Judaism and says "the Jews" over 60 times: Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit that I go away, because if I don’t go away the Counselor will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.- John 16:7

Counselor meaning =  defender,  judge, justice, mouthpiece, ruler

It is interesting that Hunter S. Thompson, who rose to prominence with the publication of Hell's Angels committed suicide with a piece of paper in his typewriter with the date "Feb. 22 '05" and a single word, "counselor." This means  2nd month +2+2+5=11. Counselor = 9 letters. 9/11. 

Look at the Ave Maria Sign

9/11 in Roman Numerals
This Cup is in this Church
M = Mary
A= Christ

Georgia Guidestones Cube

MM= Mary Magdalene 
JAM= Jesus Ave Maria
Turn Letters to Numbers = 108

Who is like God?

He has his scales of judgment 

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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

the  left-handed David the  left handed Adam and the  framed real brother of Joseph- the left-handed Benjamin . (Framed as a thief with a gr...