Thursday, August 8, 2024

July 22 Mary Magdalene Feast Day = 22/7= 3.14 or Pi =Same as John 3:14 = 33 Days to My Birthday August 24th - Christ died at 33.

Mary Magdalene feast day. 

See here for more about logic and truth

Pi or the circle or the Eucharist is a pseudorandom number that connects to the system of the Bible. In other words, there are some events and circumstances in life that seem random but are they? 

Remember, the crucifixion was planned from the beginning. Nicholas Tesla believe 3-6-9 formed the fundamental building blocks of the universe and had a profound impact on everything from energy and frequency to the structure of matter itself. Is it not interesting that these were the hours Christ was on the cross?

The paradox of free will and determinism that a human-being that is made in the image of God embodies. Humans are the embodiment of paradox, logic and truth. Sometimes life seems absurd and meaningless, do you ever feel like Sisyphus pushing the bolder up the hill? 

Do you ever feel like the dung beetle in Egypt pushing the dung up the hill only to have it roll back down? If so... you know what this "feeling" is..... but it doesn't mean it is completely random. The scarab beetle was associated with the sun and Horus and Ra, similar to the Eucharist. The VW Beetle, turn them both upside down and you have Ave Maria or 9/11. 

Scarab Beetle / Boat of Horus and the Sun

This is also like the Mandala in Buddhism, just as God says to Abraham... your decedents will be as numerous as the stars in the sky or sand on seashore. This is also connected to Job's confrontation with God while he needlessly seems to suffer, Job is confronting the system of Chaos Theory

Job is like each person that is being compared to something similar to sand on the beach in the Mandala design created and destroyed by Shiva. Created in Genesis, destroyed in Revelation.  The Alpha and the Omega, the Serpent eating its own tail

1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Even Zarathustra knows he can't be as proud as the eagle or as wise as the serpent. 

This had Zarathustra said to his heart when the sun stood at noontide. Then he looked inquiringly aloft,—for he heard above him the sharp call of a bird. And behold! An eagle swept through the air in wide circles, and on it hung a serpent, not like a prey, but like a friend: for it kept itself coiled round the eagle’s neck.

“They are mine animals,” said Zarathustra, and rejoiced in his heart. “The proudest animal under the sun, and the wisest animal under the sun,—they have come out to reconnoitre.

They want to know whether Zarathustra still liveth. Verily, do I still live? More dangerous have I found it among men than among animals; in dangerous paths goeth Zarathustra. Let mine animals lead me!”

When Zarathustra had said this, he remembered the words of the saint in the forest. Then he sighed and spake thus to his heart:

“Would that I were wiser! Would that I were wise from the very heart, like my serpent!

But I am asking the impossible. Therefore do I ask my pride to go always with my wisdom!

And if my wisdom should some day forsake me:—alas! it loveth to fly away!—may my pride then fly with my folly!”

Thus began Zarathustra’s down-going.

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