Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What a Coincidence Hey? Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer (Watch Video and Scroll Down and Read All)


Jordan Peterson has no idea who I am? Read this: I know they are associating me with a Monster. Really? He knows exactly who I am. Remember, he first talked about this when I was living in this town here after  the signs in the sky in 2017. The only "God" he is struggling with is his wallet. Who is the angel that Jacob struggles with to become Israel Jordan? 

Be a warrior in a garden, not a gardener in war - Joe Rogan - The Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene mistakes Jesus for a Gardner, Joe Rogan who knows about mind control and Transhumanism, (see here and here,) and Jordan Peterson who (see here and here,) like many psychologists and psychiatrists is covering up human experimentation and mind control.


Fritz Lang - Classic Weimar and German Movie Maker - M About a Child Murderer. The original was in 1931 and is 111 minutes long, it was remade in 1951 (year my Mom was born) and is 88 minutes long - we are out of time and I was framed. Donny Darko. See here for connections with Hitler and 88. It is also connected to the moon and the sun

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you- Matthew 5:11

Let evil recoil on those who slander me; in your faithfulness destroy them- Psalms 54:5

For I hear the slander of many; there is terror on every side. They conspire against me and plot to take my life - Psalm 31:13

11 Stories, 3 of them in Seattle
Ezekiel 1:1= July 31=153 days left in year = John 21=153 fish/3=51(My Mom's birthday)
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24
(My birthday is August 24th,1976, cusp Leo/Virgo Last Supper painting, baby and Mary)
Space Needle opened up 111 (Trinity) days into the year,
book came out in 1992 (1+9+9+2=21)
John 21 and Sin 21 Hebrew
Author father worked for the
 State Department as a liaison between
the USIA and the CIA.
I was framed, they know who I am
they are pure evil

Space Needle = 11 words + opened up on April 21, which is 111 days into the year.
In year I was born, 1976 (it is a leap year) and  April 20 (Hitler birthday) is the 111th day.
The top - a
ntenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21
Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9
Total = 9/11 and 21. 

See previous posts (here and here,) about the connection between human hunting,  gang stalking and the Zodiac Killer. Also see how the Son of Sam Killing over my birthday and my Mom's birthday.

The Beast of British Columbia Clifford Olson is also connected to 9/11, he was a convicted Canadian serial killer who confessed to murdering 11 children and teenagers between the ages of 9 and 18 in the early 1980s. Ages of 9 and 11 children, and 18 or 6+6+6. He was born the 1st day of the 1st month, and he died the 9th month in 2011. Once again 9/11.

The Columbine shooting is also connected to 9/11. First they did the shooting on Hitler's birthday in 1999 turn upside down 1-666. Eric David Harris was born on April 9, the 99th day of the year, turn upside down = 666. His partner Dylan Klebold was born on September 11 or 9/11.

The Beast of Columbia Luis Garavito killed people from 1992 to 21 April 1999.  1+9+9+2= 21 to April 21 or the day the space needle opened, the 111th day of the year.) Turn the 1999 upside down 1- 666. 

I could put more serial killers up with strange patterns. The point is not everything is what it seems nor are they always telling you the truth.


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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

the  left-handed David the  left handed Adam and the  framed real brother of Joseph- the left-handed Benjamin . (Framed as a thief with a gr...