Tuesday, August 13, 2024

James Altucher You Know What This Means Right?


One of Your Instagram Post About Me

It is interesting he put this up when I was
 taken off Twitter and Facebook, (censored,) 
late 2018 to 2019

Or the 2013 Prison Video
That is 3:06 Long
  (See Below For Video) 

Who became the Emperor in 306 A.D.?

Constantine served until 337 A.D. or 3 x 37 = 111 (Space Needle)
37 x 24 = 888 (See herehere, and here)
Revelation 3:7 Keys of David
Revelation 3:7-13 Church of Philadelphia -Key of David (Philadelphia 76'ers)

6 x 6 = 36 Above Christ Head Last Supper Painting 
First Ever Jesuit Pope, They Were Created to Counter the Reformation
He and I Came in 2013- I Was 36,  I Turned 37 on August 24 that year,
37 x 24 = 888, The Pope was born in 1936 and was 76 when he became Pope,
I was born in 1976 and was 36

This Pope came in after the Mayan Prophecy of the
 world ending or changing at the end of 2012.

The Codex Borgia has 39 (Chi-Rho, Constantine)
76 Pages - My birth year- Israel was established 76 years ago
27 x 27 =54 = July 31 to September 23 (Signs in the Sky 2017) -27 Books in New Testament
Plus Eclipse August 21, 2017 (21 days after my Mom's birthday, 3 days before mine)
Gospel of John Pontius Pilate puts up a sign in Hebrew 22, Latin 23, Greek 24

36 ft. Above Jesus head Last Supper Davinci painting
11 meters = Ezekiel 1.1 = 153 days after = John 21 -153 Vesica Piscis Eclipse
(11 by 11 in), for a total length of nearly 11 meters= 11+11+11 = 33

What about your love of the book Jesus' Son?
First published in 1992 or 1+9+9+2=21. You said it is one of your favorite books.
11 stories and 3 or 111 of them are in Seattle. (Space Needle)

9/11 and 21 connection to the Space Needle:

 The top - antenna spire 605.00 ft = 6+5=11 (184.404 m) = 1+8+4+4+4=21

Technical details: Floor count = 6  Lifts/elevators = 3 = Total  9

Total = 9/11 and 21. 

John 9:25

Put up 111 days into year,
111 and 666 Gematria 
Astronaut and Computer post in 2020 during Corona 
Keep in mind Apple computer first sold in 1976 for $666.66

See past posts about James Altucher here and here 

the Cross and Ave Maria or 9/11

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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

the  left-handed David the  left handed Adam and the  framed real brother of Joseph- the left-handed Benjamin . (Framed as a thief with a gr...