Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Parsifal- WWV-111 and Hitler and Parsifal Documentary


See Full Documentary Below
(Came Out in 2021, same year as this
and connection to Space Needle and Parsifal)
I'm Not Saying I Agree With All of It, Just Showing the Connection to Hitler and Parsifal

See here for Hitler as the Jewish Messiah. See here for more about Parsifal. Parsifal = WWV or 666-111. See here for more about Wagner family and Hitler. See here for how it connects to the Space Needle, to 9/11, Constantine, and a "businessman" oven (think oven in Daniel, lake of fire in Revelation) salesman named Marco Brugman and his spray tanning wife. What do you losers know? Who are you working with? Either Israel, CIA or CSIS. You are all going to get what is coming to you.
You can block me on your Facebook that is not going to stop the truth. You can slander me but we all know the truth and it is coming out. You are phony, materialistic, lying, spying, complicit in torturing, backstabbing, possessed, soulless demons.

Vav = 6 and V/W

Red haired Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. How crazy that Hitler could be something like a Messiah for the Jewish people, how is it so? Read here

This cup is in this church.
9/11 (254 days in, 111 days left in he year after Sept. 11th,) or IX-XI for Ave Maria
18 days after my birthday or 3+6+9=18 (hours Christ is on the Cross) or 6+6+6=18
Many Catholics do not know this also connects
 to the destruction of the Jewish temple,
which connects to Flavius Constantine

3 x 37= 111 = 666
24 x 37 = 888 
(See herehere, and here)
Revelation 3:7-13 Church of Philadelphia -Key of David
(Remember the Philadelphia 76'ers, year I was born)
Key of David
Constantine served from 306 A.D. until 337 A.D. or 3 x 37 = 111 (Space Needle)

Count from the 1 on far left of the table with cup over his head
to the 8th Thomas (means twin) pointing up

Squares above Christ head 6x6=36
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8=36 or 360 degrees or a Circle, a Eucharist.
1-8 or 18


Add up

Add up - the importance of 111

Add the cross and get 888

the Alpha and the Omega
Man pinned on the Cross
The Cross = the Eucharist = the Cube
666 is associated with carbon (dirt) and a number of a man Adam
888 with oxygen and breath (God is Life) 

John 21=153 Fish / 3 = 51
Ezekiel 1:1: July 31=153 days left in year
The Jews were driven out of Spain in 1492 on July 31st
They try to kill Jesus 21 times in the Gospels,
hence John 21 is the "signs in the sky or sign of Jonah" the fish of Vesica Piscis

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The Left-Handed Connection: Constantine, King David, Adam (Christ Himself Identified With Adam, Son of Man, Son of God) and Joseph's brother Benjamin (framed as a thief with a grail cup) all Left Handed? (I'm Left-Handed)

the  left-handed David the  left handed Adam and the  framed real brother of Joseph- the left-handed Benjamin . (Framed as a thief with a gr...